amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


jealous again

sorry for the lack of posts, but i've actually had a life these past few days. i'm fully gradumigated now, with an actual degree to hang on my wall. it's so weird. i've finished my big board exams, so now all i can do is sit around and wait.

actually, i'd love to be able to sit around. but, it's that time of year again to pack all my crap up and ship it off to some unknown and yet-to-be-discovered land. but i won't be doing it alone! oh no, i now have a beautiful new friend to accompany on my next year's adventure. so now i'll be able to not only blog from my sturdy ol' desktop, but there is a new kid on the block.

(i'm going to throw a sidebar in here before i forget - went to xmen 3 tonight (which was awesome) and there were some scenes filmed at a hotel i've stayed at in vancouver...totally cool!)

so, i won't be posting for a while. i'll be off to the west, shopping, writing, driving, and settling in. but, expect a new and improved amanda in a few weeks, writing from a new home, off on a new adventure. i'm going to start updating with more photos, so hopefully you all can experience new things along with me.

until next time...


4 years already

tomorrow i will officially be a graduate. convocation bright and early, then a day full of festivities.

where did the four years go...


hustlers grab your guns

yesterday was a good day. i had lunch with miss kylee, got a good chunk of studying done, and a parking meter at school ate my $2. the good part about the meter eating my hard earned $2 is that i called the parking office to complain, they took my liscence plate and said i could still park there without getting a ticket. booyeah.

but the best part of my day yesterday? getting an email from the journal that i was published in last month saying they want me to attend their annual conference and cover some of the educational sessions for an upcoming journal issue because they 'really liked my work'. what's that? and they'll pay for my $750 conference registration? heck yes.

more studying to get done today, then the da vinci code tonight. la la la la la la tonight.


i'm building a beautiful statue, to make sure that no one forgets you

whooee, i love sam roberts. here are some pictures i took at the show tonight. although he left out three of my fave songs (taj mahal, the canadian dream, the bootleg saint) he still put on one of the best live shows. i love that he gets so into it the veins on his neck look like they're going to pop. not the most attractive look, but hey - at least we know he's trying.

and some notes to lynniec about tomorrow's show: 1) get there for ben lee. he's good, and funny. and he used to date claire danes. oh, and the dude dedicates a song to the 'hoff!! come on: y'all know that picture is just what ya wanted to see on a wednesday!! 2) the drummer is totally cute

here is mr. ben lee - the australian accent makes him cuter in person! oh, and he rapped to introduce himself, and totally made a burn on james blunt, which was awesome.

sam!! i love you. here he is pre-sweat, rocking the preppie look.

oooh, artsy

now, that's what i'm talking about - sweaty...and oozing rock!

here's where he took the mic and told everyone about his undying love for me. doesn't he just look like he's getting down to business? i think his exact words were, 'i love amanda everyone! let's all celebrate how awesome she is'

now i shall go to bed and have sweet, sweet dreams


taking back the city, one sinner at a time

so, tonight is the night! sam roberts! i'm so excited i can't focus on anything.

i'm also excited because i found some brown wedges to go with my bohemian chic grad look - hello hello, laze (by this kickarse company, fly london). my shoes are actually a dark chocolate brown with cream stitching...which look good with my previously mentioned grad outfit. me likey.

i think i'm going to watch oprah. it's about cake. and i like cake.


spirit fingers

so, i finally found a grad outfit. now, don't read too much into the 'finally' part of that previous statement. by finally, i mean i've been out shopping once before to try and find something (last friday that in two days ago). i hate shopping for outfits for graduations, as was previously seen during the grade 12 grad dress search of 2001. but this time around, the outcome is much more sucessful. as in, i don't hate my dress with the firey passion of a thousand suns.

but today rolled around, and i figured i should go out and brave the sunday afternoon shopping crowd to find something. you know, seeing as my grad banquet is a mere 11 days away, and i should spend the next 8 of those days studying my arse off. plus, i think i was starting to get kind of stressed about it, since i couldn't fall asleep until 4am last night because i was freaking out about all i have to get done these next few days. i think my not getting to sleep until 4am could have also been partly to blame on the two gigantic cups of homemade steeped tea's that i drank at like 10pm. but who's to say.

anyways, back to the outfit. like i said, i actually quite enjoy it. a nice skirt and top - the skirt brown, the top beige with brown and some sequins - but not tacky, bedazzled by your grandma sequins - tasteful sequins. part of the reason for the sequins is that in my mind, sequins make things fancy. either that, or sequens make things disco. either way, i'm happy.

but the best part of it all is.....*drumroll please*....dun dun dun dun....the outfit requires new shoes! booyeah grandma, it's your birthday!!

hello lovely brown wedges of my dreams, here i come.


tom, get your plane right on time

so in my boredom, i flipped on snl for the first time in awhile. mostly, because paul simon was the musical guest. too bad the first song he sang sucked more than axl rose trying to make a comeback.

and the second song? who's gonna love you when your looks are gone, paul? well, paul, phone art and see if he'll still love you. because unfortunately, from what you sang tonight - i don't love you.

and another thing. you can sing political songs that are still catchy rather than just annoyingly righteous. take for example, rage against the machine. or perhaps jay-z. both produce somewhat political material in a format that appeals to people. sure, neither are really comparable to your smooth jams, but come on. paul. the only people that will be enjoying that first thing you sang are the hearing impaired.

personally, i'd rather just hear the sound of silence.

get it? get it? i mean really...silence. or, the song the sound of silence. i mean it could go either way...that's the beauty of how i just phrased that. ha. so clever i am.

the irony of it all.

but really. paul, drop the crappy act and go back to sounding awesome. turn down the suck brother!

employee of the month

last night my friend miss n and i got together - which was awesome, since we haven't had anything but our 'study dates' together for the past few months. finally, a chance to sit down and actually talk! i made an excellent supper of salad, pasta and garlic toast and she brought over a scrump-diddly-upmtious fruit pizza. which i promptly made her cut in half, and drag half way accross town to share with some friends who were having a garage sale.

miss m was at her boyfriends trying to sell a whole bunch of stuff - however it was cold out, so we ended up just sitting in some chairs in his garage talking about the most random things. miss n and i got chilly, and opted to head back to the right side of the tracks *zing on you westenders* to watch a movie.

bum idea. we rented 'employee of the month' with matt dillon and steve zahn. which sounds okay on paper, but turned out to be totally bunk on film. however, dave foley does show up in a wig, so it was technically worth the $4 whatever we (and by that i mean miss n) paid for it.

so on to other news. i'm going to try and get a whole crapload of studying today, so i can effectively procrastinate in the evenings next week. up monday (which i'm still thinking about...maybe you'll come with miss kylee) is douglas coupland at mcnally robinson. the dude wrote girlfriend in a coma - which i'm sure is by far the lesser of his novels...but is by far my favourite. then tuesday is sam roberts...and the rest of the week i'm planning to be lazy.

now, in order to get on track i should head off to the book abyss. see you on the other side?



it's time to crack down and get to work. thirteen days until my major exams. fifteen days until convocation. it's time to crack down and get to work.

today was somewhat productive. i found out i'm not starting my job now until the end of june, which gives me an extra week off to procrastinate and laze around. i think i'll get myself a library card, a blanket, a spot in the park, and a tan. and then, some new foundation to match my tan.

so like i said, today was somewhat productive. until it hit 6pm, when all things ceased to exist except my television. and now, not only are my eyes square, but my heart is crushed. the only actual talent on american idol got voted off tonight, and my sheer reason for existence is now in question. okay, so i'm slightly melodromatic. but really. chris was the best hope for the next american idol. and now, if elliot wins, i'm going to have to start drinking whatever they give paula to numb my pain.

so instead of hitting the bottle, i'm sitting in my room listening to sigur ros and getting all depressed.

afternoons in the evening

went to see matt mays and el torpedo yet again last night. and as always, i had my etnies, socks, jeans, hoodie and shirt rocked right the heck off. so, i had a great time jumping around in my underoos.

i'm on my way to schoolio for some final reviews, so i'll only post this picture. however, i think you'll be fully able to grasp from this how dang cute the boy is. too bad the picture can't show how awesome he sounds live, how cute his butt is, or how much cowbell the keyboard player had.

oh, i heart matt mays like ky hearts irony.


no pain, no gain

so i'm having what must be equivalent to the laziest day in history. i slept in until noon, and the only things remotely within the realm of productive that i've done today are shower and one load of laundry. and flip through the people magazine 100 most beautiful people issue.

now, i'm listening to my very most favourite cbc radio 3 podcast, and doing load of laundry #2. which really doesn't count entirely as a load, since it's only one item. i feel bad for putting the washer through with only one thing, but it says on the tag 'for best results, wash separately'. and if someone took the time to type that out on the little label, it really must be true. although, i don't have a control jacket to wash with other things, so i really can't tell if this wash will give me my 'best results'.

i was going to post some pics from last weekend, however photoblogger is being a bit of a jackass right now, and frankly i don't have the patience to try and upload those images again. i have better things to do with my time. like make some tea, turn on pete yorn, and make lists of things to do...that ultimately won't get done.

until next time.


fast times

in ottawa, i live by ridgemont highschool. every time we drive by, my dad says 'hey - that's where they have fast times'. i don't know what made me think of that just now.

i was watching sports night, and forgot how much i love my boyfriend.

i've had a weird highschool reunion type weekend, but not on purpose. but it's been fun. one more thing to do this afternoon, then it's back home to study for my exam. it's been fun hanging out with ky and lynnie c for the weekend. however, my tummy is sick from too many chips and other food that's bad for me.

but i have to go shower to make myself presentable to the world. i suppose this whole post is just really to re-confrim how much i love josh charles.

the end. by amanda.