amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


the stars are leaking out like spittle from a cloud

i have nothing to blog about.

except my half-crush on sort-of-cute IT boy. this is not to be confused with 'it' boy (see: it girl). this is IT like you-call-us-to-fix-your-computer-and-we-show-up-three-days-later IT. so i suppose it's more like I.T.?

but i digress.

sort-of-cute IT boy has been on my radar screen for awhile. ever since i showed up to a video conference where the video wasn't working, and he compared himself to jeff goldblum. which in my books, is a very good thing, as i love jeff goldblum. and that comparison was compounded by the fact that he alluded to himself as jeff goldblum in jurrasic park. and i love me some dinosaurs, let me tell you*. let's not even talk about my other jurassic park crush.

i do see the comparison. both have dark features and wear black plastic frames. but i somehow think IT boy wouldnt be as good in an acute and emergent velociraptor situation. anyways, i'd still let him fiddle with my motherboard. (who knew computer speak could have such connotation?)

*ps - how awesome was that one pic of sam neill AND jeff goldblum? it makes me want to go to MIT, learn to build a time travelling machine, and go back to 1993 and marry both of them. yeah, i'm a loser. but at least i don't think spot conlon is cute. *zing*


if you'd call me now baby, then i'd come a running

so, rather than do productive things like laundry, shower, put on clean underpants, or brush my teeth, i have spent the better part of today on youtube.

what have i discovered?

i love boys in tight pants playing southern rock

man, i love that song - it makes me feel like i should be standing on a porch on a hot summer night in a wifebeater drinking a cold beer. which is weird, because if it really was a hot summer night, i would much rather be inside in some air conditioning, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and drinking a diet pepsi. but if you stick it out until the end of the video (or just fast forward to like 4:20), i love how they all go crazy.

oh, and i have also discovered that the soul of a liar is black like pooooop.

wow, i need to get a life! or, just turn off my computer so i can get ready for the first day back at work tomorrow. ugh. i think i'm going to spend my evening with a piece of paper and a calculator adding up exactly how much money i need to make to buy a ticket to europe and escape the real world for a few months. i am also going to watch rushmore.

the end.


i'll take the midnight train going anywhere

the following conversation sums up my existence in prince george.

scene: rogers video.

me: do you have any copies of 'annie hall'?

video girl: annie who?


holy crizzap! so long since my last post. why, you ask?

because i've been busy watching kalan porter videos, of course!

really. nice hair, jackass. and in case of any of you are rabid kalan fans, i'm not saying anything that grandma didn't.

in other news, i'm back home after like five weeks of holidays! i love holidays. who doesn't? in fact, i can't wait for my next holiday.

i'm currently uploading like 404 photos of my past months adventures, most of which involve people making faces, strangers wearing weird clothing, and rocks and trees. i think i'll post some later.

that is if anyone still reads this thing. i promise to apply constant viligance! and post more.

ps - who else has finished the new HP? i'm totally on the fence about how i feel about it.

well, it's 11:10 am and i think i should shower. i have many things to do today! like, sit around and wait until 7:10 so i can go see the bourne ultimatum. i heart a sweaty matt damon shooting guns and exploding things.