amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


there's a medicine for that

today, i discovered playradioplay!. i really like this kid's music. and i say kid, cause i don't think he's that old. sigh. i'm old. but not as old as ky. or even lynnie c for that matter. *zing!*

today i also discovered that old men hitting on you isn't endearing, it's just creepy.

i've also discovered my new favourite phrase, 'inconsistent with life'. as in, "a blood pH of less than 7 may be inconsistent with life". for some reason, i find that phrasing rather comical. it's such a pretty euphemism for "you're gonna die". and this is actually a phrase that is fairly common in medical jargon.

let me use it in another sentence. "you stealing a donut from me may be inconsistent with life". aka, "you stealing a donut from me may cause me to put my foot up your ass, and you'll die".

it's 10pm and i'm so tired i feel like i'm going to zonk out. it's time to head to bed.

i also like the decemberists.


now 30% harsher on the environment

i thought i was going to be kicked out of book club. turns out, at my particular book club, you get shamed if you actually finish a book. well, not really. but it's funny that eight people can know for a month in advance that they've got to read a certain book, and yet still only one person ever actually finishes the book. and even though what happens at book club stays at book club, i will say that i think the reason people really attend is for the food.

and as if me belonging to a book club wasn't dorky enough, today i went to a craft fair. a surprisingly large and very crowded craft fair. i bought some pretty earrings. then, i went to the mall and bought some elton john. and some tegan and sara.

i really don't have any good funny stories of late to tell. but there was a really hot guy at hmv today asking at the desk about a pavorotti album. which was both totally cute and totally confusing at the same time. he was really hot. sigh.

i think it's an excellent time for a nap.


maybe it's just me

sometimes, i get this strange urge to flip strangers off. and for no particular reason. for example: tonight, i was walking out of london drugs, and this girl was walking in. i somehow thought how enjoyable it would be to flip her the bird. no real reason. maybe i have some as yet undefined anger management issues. just maybe.

i was talking about it with lynnie c tonight....'living room' by tegan & sara is an awesome song. this one time, when there was that huge blackout in ontario like three years ago, lynnie c and i went to see tegan and sara at the folk fest. turns out that sara was stuck in montreal, so we ended up just seeing tegan. it was good, but she could really only sing like half the lyrics to each song, since the other half were sung by sara.

then this other time, i actually got to see them perform together, and it was awesome. i have a friend who loves tegan and sara. she also loves bruce springsteen. we were at the t&s show, and they started to cover 'dancin' in the dark'. my friend freaked out and yelled, 'this is that happiest moment of my life!'. it was rather comical. and yet awesome.

and i've said it before, and i'll say it again. there just aren't enough saxophone solos in music today. the 80's were all about the sax solo. kenny g was in his heyday.

and 70's sci-fi was all about hexagons.


i'm only happy when it rains

i have many a time sung the praises of matt mays on this blog. well, surprise surprise i'm going to do it again. he's putting out a new solo album in a couple of weeks, and the whole thing can be streamed here. go check it out.

i'm starting to think that i have mono. i want to sleep all the time. i came home after work on friday, and slept on the couch from 6 until 10. then, i got up, piddled around for an hour and went to bed for 10 hours. i don't think that's normal. maybe i should take up some recreational amphetamine use so i at least have the energy to do the dishes.

i finished my sixth and final week of my internal medicine rotation on friday. i've been learning alot, and start working in oncology this week.

i had my first patient die last week. this person had come into the hospital and seemed totally fine - but after spending some time in hospital was eventually put onto a ventilator until the family decided to withdraw care. it was so sad. although elderly, they had so much spunk and life. it's so weird to look back two weeks - sitting talking to someone, you'd never know that in two short weeks they'd be gone. but isn't that always the way.

in happier news, i was a bad girl this weekend and bought seasons one and two of grey's anatomy on dvd. i don't know what overcame me. perhaps a burning urge to own a piece of mcdreamy and mcsteamy. i should really have my burning urges looked at. clearly they're not good for me.

i really need to do something exciting with my life, for this blog is getting awfully boring. i mean, i could report on the three loads of laundry i've done today. i could talk about how i thought i lost my hairbrush, but then i found it. or, perhaps i'll spare you all and come back when i have something interesting to say.


gay is the new straight

mother of pearl!

my options for ever finding a husband are seriously



so it turns out it's a good thing i didn't travel this weekend. saturday i got some sneezes and sniffles, which when sunday rolled around turned into a full blown cold and stomach flu. i have basically been laying on my futon for the past few days surrounded by a pile of kleenex drinking warm tea, sleeping, and watching bad television. i imagine had i been on an airplane in this state, my head would have imploded. so for the sake of my head staying in one peice and those lovely westjetters not having to clean up imploded head off the airplane, i'm glad i stayed home.

being sick sucks. i haven't been able to taste/smell anything for two days. which is most likely a good thing, since i probobly stink. i'm sure my landlady is most likely wondering at this point if i have actually died, and she is smelling my rotting body. not to worry landlady, that's not decomp: i just haven't showered in two days.

i took the day off from work today to hack/drool/sneeze in peace at home. i'm thinking i'll forge my way back to work tomorrow.

i'm not too sure where i was going with this post. i'm too hopped up on dayquil to focus on one task for longer than two minutes.

i'm going to go now.


june can't come soon enough

turns out my life is like a full circle right back up my own ass. my frigging flight was cancelled due to weather, so now i'll be spending a lovely weekend at home. shitballs. i had everything all planned to meet up with friends, shop, go to dinner. and it's all ruined because this frigging town is to lame not to have any flights that fly anywhere other than fucking vancouver.

i had planned to document the trip through photos. this was the first and only one taken, right before i went to the airport this morning. enjoy.


career fairy

my life often has these strange 'full-circle' type moments. this weekend is one of them. i'm headed back to my alma-mater (and i'm not talking this one) to represent my current employer at the pharmacy career fair this weekend. only one year ago i was in the same place, but in a totally different position. pondering my future. i would have never guessed that i would be where i am today. it's great, because i still know alot of the students in the college, so not only do i get to recruit...but i get to visit!

pretty much every minute of my weekend is jam-packed. between convincing people to become hospital pharmacists and handing out business cards, i've scheduled in visits with friends i haven't seen in months, and a meal at the best place ever. in preparation, i'm chargin' up the 'ol digital camera. and found some totally hi-larious pics from my visit to the 'skatch in august. i won't share them, on account of i look like the retarded offspring of steve buschemi and sandra bernhardt. i mean, the non-retarded offspring of those two would be bad enough.

but i will share a picture of the bridge that brought about the first rap song i ever wrote, 'wolseley, town around a lake'. the song even has a remix, 'wolseley, town around a lake: swinging bridge remix' which goes something like, 'wolseley, town around a lake....wiccca wicca (as in record scratches) swinging bridge ya'll'. it's pretty much the best song ever. watch out fiddy cent. mc a-rock in da hizz-ouse. holla!

here is my muse:

well, i have far too much work and reading to do to be sitting here and blogging. (which is precisely why i'm sitting here and blogging)

until next time!


that's what the front's for

i love that someone tried to make a list of the best musical moments in film. i don't agree with all of the choices. but i totally, 100% precent agree with a few. #32 for example, is one of my favourites. and i do love me some bohemian rhapsody at #1.

but a couple things are a little off. i mean, i love '10 things i hate about you'. during my youth, i used to watch that show pretty much once a week. i can still watch it and pretty much quote the whole dialogue verbatim. but do i agree that one of the top 40 musical moments of all time in film happens in the movie? most likely not. do i agree that it contains two of the top 40 musical moments of all time? definitely not. 'pretty in pink' doubled up too. i think this person got sick of watching movies and just picked two songs from each to finish up the list quicker. (i mean, who makes a 'top 38' list)

i know that people who read this will have other opinions about what should have been included. so feel free to share. personally, one of my favourite musical movie moments is when "the only living boy in new york," by simon and garfunkel starts playing as natalie portman and zach braff kiss (and peter sarsgaard watches) during 'garden state'.

other than reading that list this weekend, lots of stuff happened. my parents were in to visit from ontario, and we had a great time relaxing, and cooking way too much food. i now have a freezer full of turkey to last me until i turn 34. which is like 11 years, for those of you who are counting. and i'm not really kidding, either. my dad decided that it would be a good idea to cook a 17lb turkey for 3 people. guess what's not a good idea dad? cooking a 17lb turkey for 3 people! but in reality, it's all good. there are worse things in the world than having too much turkey. like having too much carrot juice.

i also bought the new killers album, 'sam's town'. i've listened to it a couple times now, and really like most of it. i'm not totally in agreeance that naming a song 'bling (confessions of a king)' was a smart move, but the song itself is super good. it's no 'hot fuss', but the album does have its strong moments.

the best thing to come out of the weekend however is some new furniture! finally, i can have more than two people over without making someone sit in a camping chair! although the camping chair was so stylish in all of its purple glory, a new futon and two new chairs are much better for entertaining. and i've been graciously upgraded to a 20" tv, which pretty much doubles the amount of tv that i had before. bling bling.

well, it's time to go do some work. i've been up for about 16 hours today, as a result of dropping the 'rents off at the airport at 4:30 this morning. i was a bit of a zombie today to say the least. a three hour nap tonight and some pumpkin pie has remedied that however, and i'm ready to work. well, not really, but if i don't i'll be in big trouble.

favourite song of the day: 'small parts' - the oohlas

**addenum - someone found my blog by searching 'why is amanda so weird'. note to that person: you are not going to find that answer here. i've been trying to figure it out for years, and can really only attribute it to my genetic makeup and vast love for monkies holding flaming toasters.


do you realize?

i want to make out with wayne coyne. he is the lead singer of the flaming lips. and i find him dead sexy.

in other news, i realized last night that it's hard to talk smart to dumb people. i had the unfortunate experience of sitting by this retarded girl at supper. she wasn't really retarded, but she was pretty damn borderline. we were dining at this quaint winery, and they were playing quaint background music. there was a lull in the conversation, and my ears perked up when i heard city and colour's 'save your scissors'.

"i love this song," i commented (henceforth known as i).

"i really don't get it," said stupid girl (henceforth known as sg). "i mean, what is he singing about? save your scissors? what the hell does that mean?"

i: "well, i believe he says something like, 'save your scissors/for someone else's skin/my surface is so tough i don't think the blade will dig in'. it's not literal."

sg: "so what does that mean? they should cut themselves? they should cut someone else?"

i: "he's not really talking about cutting people. he doesn't mean cutting things literally. it's like, you can't hurt me, i'm tough...go bug someone else, you know?"

sg: "no, i don't. people should just say things for real. i don't get it when they talk about things that aren't real. and what is with the video? he's just playing guitar with his band. it's dumb"

i: "actually, i think it's like a 'day in the life' kind of thing. you know, he's in another band, alexisonfire. so, the video shows him rehearsing with them, then playing his own gig at a club in the evening."

sg: "that's so stupid"

i: "you're a dumb fuck.*"

needless to say, the food made up for the fact that part of the company was stupider than most of my turds. i almost passed out from ecstasy with the cheesecake. and the cute worker boy by the door when i left.

anyways, now i'm all mad again after re-living the stupidness of that conversation from last night. i'm most likely not going to blog until next week, since the 'rents are coming into town to make me some turkey and shower me with gifts. so, let's have a discussion. i just finished reading an awesome book by chuck klosterman. next up on the list is a new book for book club.

what books are y'all reading, and which ones would you recommend? i've got a few more on the list, including 'high fidelity' by nick hornby. but, i'd love some other suggestions. preferably ones that don't involve sailors, hookers, police officers, rebellious cowboys or louis l'amour. (zing!)

*not actually said


i'm old.

it's really weird, but lately i've been realizing how old i'm getting. i mean, i've never really felt old before. but over the past few months, it's like i've suddenly realized that i'm growing up. maybe it's as a result of graduating from university. or maybe it's because i'm actually getting older. it's like the whole concept has just finally hit me like a ton of bricks.

i'm sitting here in my own hotel room. on a business trip. which, is a new thing for me. it's weird to have a real job that sends you on trips for said real job. and one that gives you a corporate credit card to pay for expenses. wtf is up with that? since when did i morph into this person that can pass for someone responsible for things? i mean, i can't even handle cleaning my bathroom on a regular schedule! what makes the world think that i actually have an intelligent opinion to express?

it's even weirder that i'm sitting here listening to the flaming lips and reading a book by chuck klosterman called 'killing yourself to live' (that is totally hilarious so far).

i mean, if i look at my life five years ago, i'd be more likely to be sitting around listening to n*sync and reading archie comics.

it's like i've graduated to real music. and real books. and with that, has come real life.

and real life sucks. i went to buy a new pair of sneakers yesterday, and it was like the store was being run by 9 year olds. when did it get to the point where i think, "how does this store function without an adult present?"

the whole situation is too depressing to think about.