amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


employee of the month

last night my friend miss n and i got together - which was awesome, since we haven't had anything but our 'study dates' together for the past few months. finally, a chance to sit down and actually talk! i made an excellent supper of salad, pasta and garlic toast and she brought over a scrump-diddly-upmtious fruit pizza. which i promptly made her cut in half, and drag half way accross town to share with some friends who were having a garage sale.

miss m was at her boyfriends trying to sell a whole bunch of stuff - however it was cold out, so we ended up just sitting in some chairs in his garage talking about the most random things. miss n and i got chilly, and opted to head back to the right side of the tracks *zing on you westenders* to watch a movie.

bum idea. we rented 'employee of the month' with matt dillon and steve zahn. which sounds okay on paper, but turned out to be totally bunk on film. however, dave foley does show up in a wig, so it was technically worth the $4 whatever we (and by that i mean miss n) paid for it.

so on to other news. i'm going to try and get a whole crapload of studying today, so i can effectively procrastinate in the evenings next week. up monday (which i'm still thinking about...maybe you'll come with miss kylee) is douglas coupland at mcnally robinson. the dude wrote girlfriend in a coma - which i'm sure is by far the lesser of his novels...but is by far my favourite. then tuesday is sam roberts...and the rest of the week i'm planning to be lazy.

now, in order to get on track i should head off to the book abyss. see you on the other side?


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