amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


the importance of being entertained

i watched the importance of being earnest last night. it was cute. but when rupert everett hugged colin firth at the end, kissed him on the cheek and spanked him on the bottom, i almost lost it at colin's reaction. the way he bounced away and put up his fists to fight was way to cute for me to handle. and apparently, according to the be-all, know-all source that is imdb, the whole scene was improv, and the director kept it in because of colin's reaction.

is it creepy that i want to meet colin firth just so i can hug him? yes it is.



i just registered for school. bahhhhh. until this moment i was under the impression that i was going to be ready to go back to school, but then the feeling of homework, studying, and far too few nights of lazing around hit me like a sack of potatos in the stomach. plus the fact that my chosen elective was full makes me kind of grumpy. but i'm #1 on the waiting list, so here's hoping that some jackass drops out.

on a lighter side of things, i gave some cute newfoundland boy directions to the bus stop today after work. he stayed on our bus too long and had to go back to another stop to get to the airport. the driver was trying to explain to him where to go, so i just said 'i know what she's talking about, i'll show you' and walked him. it was on my way anyways. plus, he was cute and had an accent. what is it about boys that increases their cute factor by at least 2 points of they have an accent? c'mon. i mean, no man in britian (besides mr. posh spice) would actually be married if it wasn't for their cute accents. and yes, colin firth and horatio hornblower are also exceptions to the rule.

and montreal last weekend was fan-freaking-tastic. i went to a just for laughs show on the saturday night and nearly peed in my capris on several occasions. and again, our host had an incredibly alluring austrailian accent, which made the night that much better. oh, and i bought shoes. two pairs, but one doesn't really count.

oh, and today i had a clearly canadian for the first time in like 4 years, and it was good. i wonder if it is really made in canada? 'clearly' it must be...but how sketchy would that be if they were importing it from like ulan bator or something? i mean, that's the coldest place in the world, so maybe it would be good for us to give them some business, since i bet other countries overlook them due to their frigid climate. but we canadians don't judge. i mean, it gets cold here too.



just finished harry potter.
i cried for like the last 45 pages.
and yes, i know that makes me a dork.

on the bright side, on the way to work today i saw the same boy with bushy eyebrows that i saw on the way to work yesterday...and he's cute. so that's a bonus.

and i can't be too much of a dork, because i have friends coming to visit tomorrow. we are going to shop, eat, drink, and participate in general tomfoolery. in both official languages.

oh, and to cap off my entire summer, i just found out the arcade fire are playing a show in 'toon town in october. i read the concert listing and nearly pooed myself. these guys are supposed to put on an amazing live show, and i have been dying to see them since i heard 'rebellion (lies)' for the first time back over christmas. oh, and i think i may want to meet and marry the lead singer....he's creepily attractive.

dang you, creepily attractive lead singers. dang you.


sing to me in french

who is my summer crush? pete yorn is my summer crush. actually, i've been in love with him for about four years now. and i think it's getting serious.

and i saw the funnest video today. it's called graffiti, by this band maximo park. you'll love the boy that plays the keyboard. how can you not - he's both weird and totally cute.

and i am totally crushing on my summer crush. we went to the movies last night - ugh, with third wheel family guy friend - but it was still a good time. he's cute, and smells yummy.

oh, and it's so hott herre, that when i walk outside my glasses fog up. i miss winter.



it's like i knew it was coming. i awoke in a flurry, (sans alarm clock) and had my toothbrush in my mouth when the doorbell rang. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttts here!' - i ran to my room, threw on a hoodie to disguise the fact that i wasn't in a bra, ran upstairs and flew open the door. nothing.

but...the doorbell just rang. surely, my mind wasn't playing tricks. it was just shortly after 9am, but i was already wide awake. i stepped onto my doorstep, messy ponytail, sleep still in my eyes, and then i saw it. the shiny, red, boxy truck that was to bring me what i had been waiting for three months to enjoy. aaaah, the new harry potter.

it was then that i started to flail my arms and get the drivers attention. 'oh, you're home' he said as he hopped out of the truck from where he had been writing my delivery notice and thrust a pint size package into my hands. 'yeah, in bed' i replied, and grabbed it - muttered a 'thank you' and bounced back inside, did a victory dance, and cut open the package.

and now, for the last two hours i have been gloriously basking in a saturday morning of reading my delicious new harry potter book, curled up in my leather club chair with a coffee.

now all i need is an evening hanging out with summer crush, and it will be the perfect saturday. and, i think an evening such as that is in the works. yay to me.


hot fuss

it's too hot to exist. i walked home and almost melted - saved by the fact that i had to walk through the air conditioned mall and spend $40 in 5 minutes.

then the bus wasn't air conditioned, and i almost sweat my pants off. which wasn't a good thing, because i need pants to walk.

and now i can't think of anything but how bad i want a rootbeer popsicle, and to sleep in tomorrow morning until 11.

i just feel like whining right now, so i'm going to cut this off right here.


i've got soul

but i'm not a soldier.

i bought
hot fuss today.
and let it shine. for ten buckaroos at hmv.
go buy it. i think i'm in love.
ugh. i'm all verklempt.
i'll give you a topic. ralph feinnes' name is neither spelled rayph nor fines.


first love

random thought of wednesday #1: i'm not ashamed to admit it: i love wayne arnold. he was such a punk. totally bad-ass, and totally attractive. but the boy dated juliette lewis - not exactly the best taste in women...but i love him nonetheless. there is this christian tv station here in town that plays old reruns of 'the wonder years' and i've started to re-discover why i was head over heels for wayne all those years ago. he was totally an awesome tv crush. ooooooooh, where is my real life wayne?

random thought of wednesday #2: i have had the ever famous 'like a three legged dog in search of a crutch' line from sloan's 'people of the sky' in my head for the past three days. what does this mean? is my subconscious trying to tell me that i'm like a three legged dog in search of a crutch? what does that line even mean? someone get me andrew scott on the phone. am i hopping around life searching for something to balance on? somebody get me a damn peg-leg.

random thought of wednesday #3: i was reading spin's july issue, and they count down the top 100 records of the last 20 years. given, nirvana's 'nevermind' hits one of the top spots. dave grohl is quoted in the article speaking about the recording studio they used to record the album, and mentions that is the one fleetwood mac used to record 'rumors' in, back when stevie nicks was still 'getting blow blown up her ass'. i almost snorted soda out my nose when i read that. the mental image of stevie nicks getting crack blown up her ass - or anything blown up her ass for that matter was too funny.

random thought of wednesday #4: so in plotting to buy a car when i graduate into the real world, i have decided to tempt myself with the thought of driving a bmw. so i dragged my dad to the dealer tonight, only to find the most beautiful man ever selling bmw's. i want to buy one, just so i can go back to talk to miles and his beautiful white teeth.

random thought (but technically a poem) of wednesday #5: 'love is the fart/of every heart/for when held in/doth pain the host/but when released/pains others most' - sir john suckling.

i'm so cornfusing.

ps - that link came from google - enter 'cornfusing' and hit 'i'm feeling lucky'....i'm not totally nutso.


canada d'eh

well, canada day in ottawa is an experience everyone should have at least once. i have been lucky enough to go the past two years now, and there is nothing more fun than being squished in a human traffic jam in 30 degree weather, with drunks, stoners, grumps, and stinkers. really though, canada day is awesome. this is a picture i took of the peace tower as the sun was setting during the concert on the hill last night. it's kinda blurry, but i think that makes it artsy.

okay, this is going to be a long winded post, because i have a lot to say. so brace yourself. and might i add, this saturday is a sloan day. i'm having a private sloan listening party. and i don't feel the need to explain what a sloan day is. if you're a sloan fan, you'll know.

now on to yesterday. so many funny things happened. mostly, i began to note that listening to other people's conversations is often quite amusing. i must say my favorite overheard conversation yesterday was between a boy and girl behind me at a crosswalk, while waiting for the light to change. they were standing eating some mcdonalds, and the conversation was as follows:

boy: dang it, i'm losing lettuce out of my chicken sandwich.
girl: that sucks. lettuce is very important.
boy: it is. it gives the sandwich the crunch it deserves.

i want to make friends with these people, and discuss the importance of many vegetables. because i do think lettuce is important, although i might argue pickles may be more so.

and interesting conversation number two occurred while sitting out a rainstorm at a pub in the afternoon. a friend of a friend is a speech writer for elections canada, and was commenting on napoleon dynamite, and how all these kids wear 'vote for pedro' shirts and none of the kids really vote. this is a perception of the 'vote for pedro' movement i had never actually thought about. maybe if you want kids to vote in real elections, paul martin needs to make him some 'vote for paul' shirts...oh, and you know, and a totally hilarious movie that will make his platform appealing.

and another note along the politics that same pub, that same friend of a friend pointed out that stephen harper's advisor was sitting a mere 8 feet away at a nearby table. i was so tempted to walk over and say, 'advise him to stop being a dick head'. i refrained myself was canada day, and we should all hug and get along.

and the bestest part of my canada day? the party on the hill. a three hour concert featuring acts from all over canada, most of whom i didn't know, but all of which i enjoyed. sigh, i even found kalan porter enjoyable. damn, that boy can fiddle himself a good fiddle. other acts i enjoyed? jeremy fisher, kathleen edwards, eagle and hawk, corneille *dude is totally hot, with a smile that could power an entire city* and of course, my boyfriend, sam roberts. standing on parliament hill watching him play 'the canadian dream' was awesome. s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m is the only way.