amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy



lately i haven't been thinking too much about music. well, i always think about music, but i haven't been thinking too much about new music. anyways, i have found some songs lately that make me so happy my brain wants to explode.

this post is brought on because tonight i'm updating the 'ol ipod for my roadtrip this weekend. i was thinking about it, and i really don't think that the people i'm travelling with are going to appreciate my taste in music. i have a feeling i'm going to be stuck listening to lame-ass crap like nickelback or something. shitters. oh well. it's not going to stop me from trying to pump out some bangin' tunes and blow out the minivan speakers with my awesomeness.

i think winning my audience over slowly with some moderately acceptable music first, will gain their trust enough for me to listen to things that i really want to hear. for example. i'll start out slow, with some things everyone likes. a little forrest gump soundtrack. nobody can resist oldies. then, maybe some top 40. even old farts can't help but dance to some justin timberlake or kelly clarkson. and after they all think they're safe, i go for the shock and awe and attack like a round of friendly fire by busting out a little ted nugent. what's that? yeah, i went there.

i think the scissor sisters might have to come out of hiding as well. nothing makes amanda more fun than a little 'take your momma out'. unless it's 'gypsies tramps and theives'.

did i mention that i bought four cd's today? i think i need to go to bed, before i do more damage.

favourite songs of the day that you need to check out(in no particular order):
pete yorn - the man
death cab for cutie - marching bands of manhattan
scissor sisters - i don't feel like dancin'
stellastarr* - sweet troubled soul
stars - set yourself on fire
gnarles barkley - smiley faces
interpol - public pervert (carlos d remix)
the like - what i say and what i mean
the new pornographers - the bones of an idol
wolf parade - secret knives

that is. all.


i think i have issues

i'm kind of thinking i'm not going to come out of this year with all of my sanity. especially not at this rate.

yesterday, i was at work 2 hours late. last week, i averaged an hour late each day.

i didn't think it was too unreasonable to ask to leave on time today to go to the university book store. fast forward to 4:15, with me running out the door home to get in the car to try and get to the bookstore for 5.

two wrong turns later, i end up at the stupid university.

which, is a stupid loop with a one way road around the whole campus.

one way.

i drove around it twice, trying to locate the bookstore.

and parking.

i actually parked at one point. turns out all of the signs that scream "you have to pay for all parking on campus" aren't really conducive to actually figuring out how the hell to pay for parking on the goddamn campus. so after punching buttons on a machine clearly marked 'ticket dispenser' that actually didn't dispense tickets, i gave up.

i did what any girl would do. got in my car and screamed in aggrivation. literally. it was 4:45. i had wasted my one opportunity of actually leaving work on time and getting to the bookstore.

so i drove home. and screamed pretty much half the way there.

i need to be sedated.


say what?

i have no idea what this is. but it made me laugh.


i need a good 14 hours of sleep

as a response to ky, who noted that my profile picture has changed: i like it too. it has to be taken in context though, with the statement directly above the picture. i feel it will only be a temporary change...but i'm totally diggin the clint right now.

and speaking of medical conditions i totally wasn't prepared to read today, my eyes burnt at the sight of "vaginal cornification". what does that even mean? it sounds nasty.

i have to go and spend the rest of my night working now. yay to life sucking.


stabby mcstabberton

i need pants and shoes for work.

today, i bought $100 worth of knives.



i missed the final episode of rockstar:supernova! buggers! i spent my whole summer waiting until this final culmination of excitement to see what was going to happen and missed it. however, i have found out what happened, and what i wanted to happen actually came true: mr. lukas rossi (the canadian) won. booyeah - we canadians are two for two when it comes to winning that show.

oh, and i missed it because i was out eating free $30 steak and learning about new advances in hypertension. more like i was out pretending to learn about new advances in hypertension, and eating free steak. i even left before free dessert so i could come home and watch the finale of freaking rockstar. too bad the show was on at 8 and not 9. damn you lukas rossi. although you may have won and i'm still happy, you owe me a free dessert.


it's 5pm. do you know where your pants are?

i think it is a fairly normal occurrence for people to make grocery lists when they head out to the store. you know, 'bread, milk, eggs' or what have you. what i'm wondering, is if anyone writes down, 'mini bananas' on their grocery lists. as far as i can tell, mini bananas are the most useless fruit in the fruit section. they're so tiny, that it takes more work to peel one than to actually eat one. it would make sense to buy a mini banana in a few situations i'm sure. like, if you're mini. or, maybe your kitchen is so small it can only house mini bananas. but i think the latter example would only apply to barbie and ken.

i just got home from the land of jysk, which is always way too aromatic for liking, with the smell of cheap candles making me want to tuck my nose into my shirt and breathe my own breath coming back in my face rather than smell barfy fake candle smell. anyways, i was trying to find a plain white pillowcase. can you believe that i couldn't find a frigging plain white pillow case? how useless. i still managed to buy teatowels, hangers and some bathroom towels though. so all was not entirely lost. but while trolling the aisles for goods, i came to realize that i love storage solutions. for some reason, things that organize get me all excited. i don't really like having to organize once i purchase one, but the aftermath is awesome. i'm so weird.

two posts in one day. avoiding work much?

sunday is my funday

spending a lazy morning drinking coffee and watching beverly hills 90210 is awesome. what's even more awesome is that 90210 was put on the air. because if i had never known that 90210 was an actual zip code in the states, i would have never been able to sign up for things over the internet that require you to pretend you actually live in the states. so thank you, aaron spelling. not only have you provided me with great entertainment, you have allowed me to enjoy things that would have otherwise been unattainable.

changing topics. yesterday, i was driving home saw an interesting sign - which i'm not too sure i actually read correctly. granted, when whizzing by teeny letters at 110 km/hr there is a high chance that what you read was in error - but i swear this is what the sign said: "antiques, collectibles and junque". it's like they had tried to class-up the word junk by making it appear french. you know, if something is french, it must be classy and people will therefore will want to buy more of it.

but i wonder if that translates beyond sales of junk. for example, are junque yards cleaner? and does getting kicked in the junque hurt less? somehow, i think not.

i'm trying to get myself in gear to go in and spend some time at the office today doing work. it's going to take some convincing and self-motivation. but, i thing i may be amped up enough on two (massive) cups of coffee to do it. i need a productive day - this week is going to be insane.

okay. sounds like luke and brenda are fighting - i've got to go see what the problem is. and how they're going to resolve it in the next 20 minutes.


i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo

today i'm in an angry mood. everything is making me grumpy. i think it's because i had the day off, and i spent two hours at work. gargh. but other than that, pretty much everything else is pissing me off too. people in general, aeroplan points, extra, and zellers.

and i think it can attribute the bad mood to the fact i had a dream last night that someone stole my shoes. don't mess with the shoes people. i'll cut you.

but good things happened today as well. so let me focus on those.

i got my eyebrows waxed, so now i have two. good thing.

i found san pellegrino aranciata, which i love. good thing.

i got to sleep in until 10:30. good thing.

now to relax, i'm going to make a new cd tonight, so my drive tomorrow will be fun. i'm also going to do some readings (fo' real) and get to bed early. i'm going to a town an hour away tomorrow to do some learning about what 'small town' hospital pharmacy is like. i say 'small town' because it's a town of like 15,000 people. where i come from, small town is 5 people.

well, i don't want to leave a grumpy-post taste in your mouth after reading this, so i'm going to say something funny.




i have this compulsive list-making habit. i sometimes make lists of lists i need to make. post-its are my friend, and sometimes when they aren't around, i'll just plain old write on my hand. on the back. can't risk the 'ol palm sweat rubbing off my precious notes. not that my palms sweat...but you can never be too sure.

so i had to write on my hand today, and i left myself this horribly abbreviated message. i couldn't deciper what i was referring to when i read my hand note. it's like i had subconciously hidden my message in some strange code so that if i was captured by the enemy, they wouldn't be able to steal my secrets.

but what good are reminder notes if you need another reminder note to remind you of what the first reminder note said? not very good i say.

thankfully, i remembered what i was talking about. but i'm still most likely going to forget to do what i wrote down. so i'm going to do it right now...excellent.

tonight there is like 49 hours of tv for me to watch. and i have so much reading to do. but tv trumps reading - i mean, it's like the second-to-last episodes for big brother and rockstar! how can people at work expect me to be productive beyond the work day when there are clearly other priorities besides work in the real world? helloooo! *just kidding. i'm not really that much of a loser. if my reading was that important, i would simply do it after tv. or during commercials. or, sometimes i might even not watch tv to do reading. but only when very, very important. (ie: if message will self-destruct before end of tv program)*

well, time to go and do some of my reading *gasp* before the evening shows start. and by reading i mean doing the dishes and having a bath. then reading. maybe. or, moving my papers to the coffee table to make me feel like i've worked. or, instead of that just plain packing up my books for tomorrow. you know, whatevs.


*insert imaginative title here*

whooooeee! i've been home for almost 48 hours - and i'm so proud of myself that i've managed to unpack from my month long journey away - that means unpacking....not one...but two whole suitcases! i'm awesome. i've only put one load of laundry through, but hey. baby steps people. baby steps.

i'm trying now to catch up on some music downloads, and get back into the swing of actually listening to music. my life for the past while was pretty much a vortex of bigbrother and rockstar:supernova...oh, and my mac laptop on which i refuse to download file-sharing software. not that i use file-sharing software...i buy legitimate music. i really do love my itunes. (oh, and in case the government is reading this, i own several cd's, and love paying artists such as justin timberlake money so they can buy bigger mansions and more expensive cars. no illegal downloading for me!)


as stated in a previous edition of my boring life, i bought the new pete yorn cd last week. which i really enjoy. i want everyone to go to this site and click on the 'video' section and watch the video for 'the man'. #1. it's a good song. #2 it's hilarious. #3 mr. e is ky's future husband.

oh, and save yourself the trouble of renting 'friends with money' because it was pretty much the worst movie ever. and i know what you're thinking, "how can anyone even know that?". well, i've seen 'mars attacks!', 'the bridge on the river kwai', and 'jersey girl'. and i can say that i'd rather watch those movies any day over seeing 'friends with money' again. wait! that's a lie. i'd rather be stuck in a room with no windows watching 'friends with money' re-inacted by the hanson brothers than having to see 'the bridge on the river kwai' again. gah. that movie was awful.

good thing for me i can avoid watching movies by hanging out with my new entourage.