amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


judy is a punk

a conversation overheard at work today:

tech #1: have you seen [an order for] a thompson?
tech #2 (who is a good 60 years old and divorced): honey, it's been a long time since i've had my hands on a thompson
tech #1: (laughing) i think you mean a johnson

*judy is a punk - the ramones*


i put on some new shoes and suddenly everything's right

i'm just wondering if this ever happens to anyone else. sometimes, when i'm in a really bad mood, i'll be walking somewhere and see something that immediately puts me into a good mood. just like a lightswitch, right from bad to good.

for example, one time during university i was walking around campus around supper time. nobody was around and i was in a particularily foul mood. then, out of nowhere a dude on a unicycle goes riding by. immediately: bad to good.

then today i was walking home from work after a day that all in all wasn't bad, but had some retarded things happen towards the end. i don't like thinking on the best of days, but i especially don't like thinking after 2pm on fridays. (but i digress)

as i'm on my path home i turned on some scissor sisters to help elevate my mood. then, during the first few bars of 'take your mama out' a man walks around the corner. but not any man. he looked familiar. i think i may have killed his father.

and? now i'm in the best mood. because it's friday, i'm going to the arrogant worms tonight, a used book sale tomorrow, a movie tomorrow night, and doing nothing all day sunday. what's better than that?

and, as of this post i am going to start to write at the bottom of each post the lyric from which the title comes from. on account of i'm sure sometimes the titles make me sound crazy. also on account of people should likely know about these songs.

*new shoes - paolo nutini*


i walked into a local record store and asked for an american music anthology

i really enjoy listening to mix cd's. on a roadtrip, even though i have many a cd, i will generally always choose one of my many mixes. i think it's the variety. right now, not only am i obsessed with my own mixes, but i am obsessed with cbc radio 3. i wish i could take every single song they play (minus the bedouin soundclash) and inject it straight onto my ipod. i love it all. and today, while i was playing it at work, i ended up cranking up the new pornographers' 'myriad harbour' and singing and dancing. thank goodness i was alone at the time. and in a relatively soundproof part of the department.

i also love making mix cd's for others. sharing music is so fun for me, and even more fun when i send people something that they end up loving.


okay, so the first half of this post was written earlier this evening before i got off my ass and went to the gym for an hour. so this is an afterthought before i publish. i have just realized that the chocolate almonds sitting on my desk (which i had like fifty of earlier today) are the devil. if ate eight of them right now, the total calories i would consume would equal the ones i just burned off at the gym. le sigh. oh dear elliptical trainer, how you kick my ass for such tiny results. surely a good twenty minutes should equal a whole bag of chocolate almonds. alas, this is only one of several examples of how life is not fair.

addenum: i just knocked said bag off my desk and dropped like seven almonds onto the floor. garbage. problem solved. (well, not entire problem solved. i couldn't get back the forty other almonds i had managed to cram in my face prior to the destruction of the last few)


oh, life could be so fair, let it go on and on

sometimes life just bitch slaps you in the face. you forget about certain things/people, then something pops up to make you ponder the past, how things could have been different, and emotions swirl again.

and even though you know you need to get over yourself and move on, there is always the 'what if?' in the back of your mind.

i think i need to sit myself down and have a stern talking. i need to get things straight. what am i going to do in the next month/6 months/year. how am i going to design my career path, and how am i going to make sure that my choices make it easier for me to be closer to family and friends. and how am i going to make it so there are no more 'what ifs'?

my life has been 100% structure up until june this year, now it feels like someone has pulled the carpet from under my feet and said, 'amanda, here's the real world. go.'

i don't know what this means. where am i supposed to work? where am i going to be happy living? what do people do with all this free time? my entire life is now free time. no exams, no projects, no homework, no going back to school shopping. this concept freaks me out. how do people do this?

i can have a social life now. i now have to find hobbies that don't involve mtv and limewire, and can take more than a few hours of my time per evening.

i have so many options, yet don't know at all what to do next. what if i make the wrong decision? it's too much to decide. i keep feeling like the decisions i need to make will suddenly be solved. like all my answers will come to me as a burning bush in the alley behind my house. and maybe i'll be hit in the head with a stone tablet that has the next five years of my life chiseled into it.

come to think of it, how awesome would it be if that was some rite of passage that everyone went through? like we all walked around until one day - and you wouldn't know where or when - you got hit in the head with a tablet that told you what to do with your life. you could be on vacation in mexico on the beach and *bam* you're hit in the head, drop your corona, and on the next flight to your new job.

man, that certainly would make things easier.

now on an entirely different note, i would just like to express how much i like the new spoon record ga ga ga ga ga. i posted a link yesterday to one of their performances on snl a couple of weeks ago. 'you got yr cherry bomb' was in my head all day. and 'rhythm and soul' is like the best song.

i would also like to give a shout out to the new pornographers and their video for 'challengers' as it prominently features a banjo.


oh, teenage hopes

back from saskatoon!

i had a great weekend of fun. of course, the primary purpose of my weekend away was to recruit some fresh faces for my current employer. and, as a dutiful slave, i did seem to dig up some interest which will hopefully come to fruition.

however. my personal goals for the weekend were also met. a weekend filled with friends, food, shopping and lots of laughs. i even fell in love with a boy. which, isn't really surprising since i have a crush on every boy. i especially love funny boys who take science classes, work in coffee shops, and decide to order a beer off the menu solely because it has the longest name (even despite the description of having a pineapple aftertaste). oh, and i played pool at a place called bad beaver. really.

and on the other side of fun, i always seem to run into the Worlds Stupidest People when travelling. today i overheard a girl try and tell her two companions that she started the trend of saying 'honestly' all the time. what? you can't invent a trend like that, on account of that word is older than dirt. and that people use it all the time. and hello, everyone knows that one person trying to start a word trend never works. even if you tell everyone to spread it like wildfire.

what else? uhm, i got a new ipod. i listened to music on that ipod, and remembered that i love:

a) clap your hands say yeah
b) tegan and sara
c) journey
d) the new new pornographers (especially failsafe)
e) the new spoon

i also love the fact that i have 2,783 songs, 7.4 days, and 10.53 GB of music on this new fandangled thing, and room for a crapton more. i <3 music. okay, boys and music.


while i'm away i'll write home every day

i had the best cab driver ever yesterday in vancouver. we chatted for the whole twenty minute drive. i'm trying to figure out whether my favourite part of the conversation was when he declared that, "indian food tastes better in india" (and how i should visit goa) or, when searching for the hotel he pointed to the gps and said, "if this system fails, we always have this system" and hoisted up a paper map.

we also had discussions on the societal differences between rural bc and vancouver, and vancouver and india. also, it turns out his brother lived in my city, but drank too much, so his wife made him move to vancouver.

dude was awesome and hilarious. i tipped extra.