amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


i've got a hunger twisting my stomach into knots

it's 10:06 pm. i opted out of a movie date with a friend because i was so tired i could hardly stay awake - which resulted in me falling asleep on the couch for an hour, waking up to an old episode of survivor on tvtropolis, and subsequently having a boring saturday night alone. and now, it's bedtime and i'm not tired. what a waste of a perfectly good evening. boo. hiss.

grey cup sunday tomorrow. i've got cold beer in the fridge, and chips and dip. i think that's what people like when they watch football.

i have nothing of importance to say. i'm really just trying to pass the time until my body agrees with my mind and i can go to bed. i will say this though. i re-watched the royal tenenbaums this week, and i forgot how much i love it.

this was incredibly boring. i apologize for wasting your time. and internet space. i'll post again when i figure out if the things i find interesting in my life at this exact moment turn out to be actually interesting.

*the sound of settling - death cab for cutie*


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