amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy



i missed the final episode of rockstar:supernova! buggers! i spent my whole summer waiting until this final culmination of excitement to see what was going to happen and missed it. however, i have found out what happened, and what i wanted to happen actually came true: mr. lukas rossi (the canadian) won. booyeah - we canadians are two for two when it comes to winning that show.

oh, and i missed it because i was out eating free $30 steak and learning about new advances in hypertension. more like i was out pretending to learn about new advances in hypertension, and eating free steak. i even left before free dessert so i could come home and watch the finale of freaking rockstar. too bad the show was on at 8 and not 9. damn you lukas rossi. although you may have won and i'm still happy, you owe me a free dessert.


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