amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo

today i'm in an angry mood. everything is making me grumpy. i think it's because i had the day off, and i spent two hours at work. gargh. but other than that, pretty much everything else is pissing me off too. people in general, aeroplan points, extra, and zellers.

and i think it can attribute the bad mood to the fact i had a dream last night that someone stole my shoes. don't mess with the shoes people. i'll cut you.

but good things happened today as well. so let me focus on those.

i got my eyebrows waxed, so now i have two. good thing.

i found san pellegrino aranciata, which i love. good thing.

i got to sleep in until 10:30. good thing.

now to relax, i'm going to make a new cd tonight, so my drive tomorrow will be fun. i'm also going to do some readings (fo' real) and get to bed early. i'm going to a town an hour away tomorrow to do some learning about what 'small town' hospital pharmacy is like. i say 'small town' because it's a town of like 15,000 people. where i come from, small town is 5 people.

well, i don't want to leave a grumpy-post taste in your mouth after reading this, so i'm going to say something funny.



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