amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


it's 5pm. do you know where your pants are?

i think it is a fairly normal occurrence for people to make grocery lists when they head out to the store. you know, 'bread, milk, eggs' or what have you. what i'm wondering, is if anyone writes down, 'mini bananas' on their grocery lists. as far as i can tell, mini bananas are the most useless fruit in the fruit section. they're so tiny, that it takes more work to peel one than to actually eat one. it would make sense to buy a mini banana in a few situations i'm sure. like, if you're mini. or, maybe your kitchen is so small it can only house mini bananas. but i think the latter example would only apply to barbie and ken.

i just got home from the land of jysk, which is always way too aromatic for liking, with the smell of cheap candles making me want to tuck my nose into my shirt and breathe my own breath coming back in my face rather than smell barfy fake candle smell. anyways, i was trying to find a plain white pillowcase. can you believe that i couldn't find a frigging plain white pillow case? how useless. i still managed to buy teatowels, hangers and some bathroom towels though. so all was not entirely lost. but while trolling the aisles for goods, i came to realize that i love storage solutions. for some reason, things that organize get me all excited. i don't really like having to organize once i purchase one, but the aftermath is awesome. i'm so weird.

two posts in one day. avoiding work much?


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