amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


i'm only happy when it rains

i have many a time sung the praises of matt mays on this blog. well, surprise surprise i'm going to do it again. he's putting out a new solo album in a couple of weeks, and the whole thing can be streamed here. go check it out.

i'm starting to think that i have mono. i want to sleep all the time. i came home after work on friday, and slept on the couch from 6 until 10. then, i got up, piddled around for an hour and went to bed for 10 hours. i don't think that's normal. maybe i should take up some recreational amphetamine use so i at least have the energy to do the dishes.

i finished my sixth and final week of my internal medicine rotation on friday. i've been learning alot, and start working in oncology this week.

i had my first patient die last week. this person had come into the hospital and seemed totally fine - but after spending some time in hospital was eventually put onto a ventilator until the family decided to withdraw care. it was so sad. although elderly, they had so much spunk and life. it's so weird to look back two weeks - sitting talking to someone, you'd never know that in two short weeks they'd be gone. but isn't that always the way.

in happier news, i was a bad girl this weekend and bought seasons one and two of grey's anatomy on dvd. i don't know what overcame me. perhaps a burning urge to own a piece of mcdreamy and mcsteamy. i should really have my burning urges looked at. clearly they're not good for me.

i really need to do something exciting with my life, for this blog is getting awfully boring. i mean, i could report on the three loads of laundry i've done today. i could talk about how i thought i lost my hairbrush, but then i found it. or, perhaps i'll spare you all and come back when i have something interesting to say.


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