i want to make out with wayne coyne. he is the lead singer of the flaming lips. and i find him dead sexy.
in other news, i realized last night that it's hard to talk smart to dumb people. i had the unfortunate experience of sitting by this retarded girl at supper. she wasn't really retarded, but she was pretty damn borderline. we were dining at this
quaint winery, and they were playing quaint background music. there was a lull in the conversation, and my ears perked up when i heard city and colour's 'save your scissors'.
"i love this song," i commented (henceforth known as i).
"i really don't get it," said stupid girl (henceforth known as sg). "i mean, what is he singing about? save your scissors? what the hell does that mean?"
i: "well, i believe he says something like, 'save your scissors/for someone else's skin/my surface is so tough i don't think the blade will dig in'. it's not literal."
sg: "so what does that mean? they should cut themselves? they should cut someone else?"
i: "he's not really talking about cutting people. he doesn't mean cutting things literally. it's like, you can't hurt me, i'm tough...go bug someone else, you know?"
sg: "no, i don't. people should just say things for real. i don't get it when they talk about things that aren't real. and what is with the video? he's just playing guitar with his band. it's dumb"
i: "actually, i think it's like a 'day in the life' kind of thing. you know, he's in another band, alexisonfire. so, the video shows him rehearsing with them, then playing his own gig at a club in the evening."
sg: "that's so stupid"
i: "you're a dumb fuck.*"
needless to say, the food made up for the fact that part of the company was stupider than most of my turds. i almost passed out from ecstasy with the cheesecake. and the cute worker boy by the door when i left.
anyways, now i'm all mad again after re-living the stupidness of that conversation from last night. i'm most likely not going to blog until next week, since the 'rents are coming into town to make me some turkey and shower me with gifts. so, let's have a discussion. i just finished reading an
awesome book by chuck klosterman. next up on the list is
a new book for book club.
what books are y'all reading, and which ones would you recommend? i've got a few more on the list, including 'high fidelity' by nick hornby. but, i'd love some other suggestions.
preferably ones that don't involve sailors, hookers, police officers, rebellious cowboys or louis l'amour. (zing!)
*not actually said