amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


you and i we're gonna live forever

i don't know what's wrong with me, but lately i have been uber intolerant of the general public. i think the fact that victoria seems to have an aggregate of some of the slowest drivers EVER has something to do with my increasing road rage. but my increasing crowd rage? i just don't know. i find myself amongst large groups of people with the large urge to push and shove idiots out of my way. peole that stop in the middle of aisles? bam. people that walk too slow? bam. people that stand in the way of me getting to places i want to be? baaaaam. i think i need to take up some kind of zen therapy. maybe i should get myself a sand garden with some rocks and rake away.

as for the job aspect of my life, i'm pretty much at the point of counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until i have my 'summer holidays'. work is starting to drain my will to live. the up side is the cute babies i get to stare at all day. there is one little gaffer with the biggest cheeks and the brownest eyes. i just want to shove him in my pocket and take him home.

my penchant for blogging has been lacking lately, and i apologize for the lack of entertaining posts. i think it's due to the fact that i basically feel like i'm waiting around for my life to begin. it's like this whole residency is another year of school (although mroe insane), during which i have cut myself off from social activities in order to focus on work. i don't think it's been the healthiest thing for my sanity, and am looking forward to returning to the land of people who lead normal lives. i need to find some activities to partake in.

maybe i'll found a canada's next top model fanclub for a start. well, maybe not. but i'm sure as heck watching it tonight. i'll have my own fan club. first rule of cntm fan club is you can't talk about cntm fan club. second rule of cntm fan club is you must go out for ice cream after cntm fan club. yes. i love the direction this is heading already.

show's on. time to go.


best thing ever

i just saw a busker fully clothed as darth vader, playing songs from star wars on the violin.


some might say

mom to young son:

"aidan. thank you sooo much for talking about your toots out loud"


when you finally disappear we'll just say you were never here

yesterday one of the dieticians (let's call her dt) at the hospital gave myself, another pharmacist, and four med students a talk on various infant formulas used on the peds ward. and samples were provided. i hope in my lifetime it never comes down to the human race surviving on a diet of infant formula. let's just say it tastes like liquid cardboard. and smells like rotten mushroom soup.

now, of course, me being me, i now have the biggest crush ever on one of the medical students. not only is he cute, but he had me in stitches the entire time. let's call him cute funny resident, or cfr for short. and i will provide examples of some of his comments - keeping in mind that these may come accross as one of those 'you had to be there' stories.

dt: "if you get cow's milk off the shelf: how does it taste? does it taste sweet?"
cfr: it tastes like delicious.

dt: "now, what is the major difference between cow's milk and soy milk?"
cfr: soy milk makes you female.

dt: "one tin of formula powder will typically last four days"
cfr: mmmm....four days of goodness.

that's what you do baby

i bought new socks yesterday.

becase i was too lazy to do laundry.


i'm gonna make you mine under the disco lights

so i'm in victoria for a month starting today for work. my trip down was really good - not only does driving ensure that i can pack both my gigantor bags (and stuff them OVER 21kg each), but i can pack some extra kleenex, paper towel, and laundry soap! wut wuuut. i'm so good at subletting now, that i have brought a kit of necessities with me. because there is nothing more annoying than moving somewhere for 4 weeks and having to buy 89kg of tide.

another bonus to not flying is that i got to drive and see the sights along the way. wellll, half the sights. i left a little later yesterday afternoon than planned, so half of my drive saturday was in pitch black. literally. if i didn't know i was driving into the mountains, you could have told me i was inside of a cow and i wouldn't know the difference. i thankfully didn't run into any moose, but did see quite a few deer, which decided to remain on the side of the road (how very considerate of them). i had to overnight in a little town called 'hope', and stayed at a roadside motel called 'the swiss chalets'. and yes, they do look like how you'd expect a roadside motel called 'the swiss chalet's to look. and no, i didn't get any free chicken. i wish.

the night was short, as i wanted to get an early ferry to the island. i had to bang on the door of the front office to return the key to the motel owners in the morning, when i heard the seven words every canadian dreads the most: "there is no tim hortons in town"

thankfully chiliwack was only 1/2 an hour away, and i grabbed my coffee/breakfast and scooted through vancouver (with a scenic stop at YVR due to a missed turn) and on to the noon o'clock ferry. then, victoria! which is lush, green, and beautiful. is there a better place to be in may than on vancouver island? i don't think so.

and it turns out that the accommodations i stumbled upon last minute (me three weeks ago: "shit! i have no where to stay in victoria when i go three weeks....for a month) are amazing. i'm in the cutest neighbourhood. so cute, that i want to drop everything, get married, have 2.3 kids, 4.5 dogs, 1/2 a picket fence, and 45 hand glazed bowls. it is going to be seriously difficult for me to leave here when it's time to go. i'm thinking that now, and it's only day one. but really. it's exactly what i want to live in when i start my 'real life' - the decor is awesome, the neighbourhood is to die for...and apparently there are two boys living right under me. it's perfect!

my camera's memory card is full (anyone know where i can get a cheap 1GB flash drive?) so i took one quick photo with the laptop....more to come....but this is my desk where i'm sitting right now, looking on to a beautiful backyard garden (apparently full of lettuce up for grabs) - the window is open, fresh air is blowing in - and i couldn't be happier. (fresh flowers! amazing!)

*note the wine glass 'o diet's first class all the way with me - just how i roll.


it's a strange condition

i love pete yorn. i think i'll always love pete yorn. i went through a phase for like the past six to eight months where i haven't been listening to him obsessive-compulsively, but i think i'm ready to again. 'musicforthemorningafter' is the first cd that i owned that i would sit and listen to over and over and over and over. i used to put it on and just lay on my bed and listen to it. i'd get mad, i'd listen to pete yorn. i'd be happy, i'd listen to pete yorn. listening to that cd is like having a good visit with an old friend - one where you haven't seen each other in forever, yet it seems like no time ever passed.


i'm back, back in the new york groove

okay. so i'm way to lazy to fight with blogger tonight to put these in chronological order. so here is a mish-mash of photos i took last week while spending 5 of the best days of my life in new york city. i'll try and provide some witty commentary for your personal enjoyment.

so this picture isn't as exciting as it is in real life. because what you can't see in this picture, is that the 'c' part of 'canal' has been removed to just leave 'the 'anal' part. and we all know how much i love anal. ha. sorry. it's getting late, i'm tired, and it turns out my jokes get dirty at this point.

the chrysler building. my second favourite piece of nyc architecture.

and my favourite piece of nyc architecture, the flatiron building. i could stare at it all day. without blinking. while being poked by a midget in clogs with a used kleenex.

i apparently was all about taking pictures of streets and buildings, so get prepared to see alot of them.

the cherry blossoms were out in full force. i don't think there is anything more wonderful than springtime in new york. unless it's springtime in new york with access to unlimited amounts of chocolate.

it's michael buble. i shook his hand, because we're both from canada.

this is lucy and wilma. they're the cutest puppies. lucy was all happy about meeting people, and wilma was all about eating the handle of my friend louisa's century 21 shopping bag.

i don't know what the ice cream of the future is. this man wasn't actually selling ice cream. so maybe the ice cream of the future is nuts? in that case, i don't want to be in the future.

wowza! another street. this time, complete with mailbox graffiti! amazing.

it's times square! and a huge target ad! man, do i ever wish there was a target in manhattan. i miss target.

espn zone! we went to watch the sens beat the devils. we cheered along with the other four sens fans in the whole building.

times square at night. we walked out of espn zone and were like, "wow! it's still light outside!....oh wait..."

hey! it's michael buble again! this is my paparazzi photo. yes, his ass is that fine in person.

and look! it's johnny fever!

view from the plane travelling to manhattan.

central park from the top of the rock.

the entire office devoted section at the nbc store. they had a dwight bobble-head.


we saw spamalot. it was funny.

and for those of you with facebook, i posted more pics there. for now, i'm tired. i may post more pics later. lord knows i only have 250 of them.