amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


you and i we're gonna live forever

i don't know what's wrong with me, but lately i have been uber intolerant of the general public. i think the fact that victoria seems to have an aggregate of some of the slowest drivers EVER has something to do with my increasing road rage. but my increasing crowd rage? i just don't know. i find myself amongst large groups of people with the large urge to push and shove idiots out of my way. peole that stop in the middle of aisles? bam. people that walk too slow? bam. people that stand in the way of me getting to places i want to be? baaaaam. i think i need to take up some kind of zen therapy. maybe i should get myself a sand garden with some rocks and rake away.

as for the job aspect of my life, i'm pretty much at the point of counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until i have my 'summer holidays'. work is starting to drain my will to live. the up side is the cute babies i get to stare at all day. there is one little gaffer with the biggest cheeks and the brownest eyes. i just want to shove him in my pocket and take him home.

my penchant for blogging has been lacking lately, and i apologize for the lack of entertaining posts. i think it's due to the fact that i basically feel like i'm waiting around for my life to begin. it's like this whole residency is another year of school (although mroe insane), during which i have cut myself off from social activities in order to focus on work. i don't think it's been the healthiest thing for my sanity, and am looking forward to returning to the land of people who lead normal lives. i need to find some activities to partake in.

maybe i'll found a canada's next top model fanclub for a start. well, maybe not. but i'm sure as heck watching it tonight. i'll have my own fan club. first rule of cntm fan club is you can't talk about cntm fan club. second rule of cntm fan club is you must go out for ice cream after cntm fan club. yes. i love the direction this is heading already.

show's on. time to go.


  • Man! I can't believe I missed CNTM. I'm so bummed. But So You Think You Can Dance was awesome, so that's a bonus.

    By Blogger LynnieC, at 11:15 PM  

  • Victoria does that to you, especially in tourist season. There are just so many slow-moving and not-very-bright crowds everywhere you go.

    By Blogger Queen of West Procrastination, at 11:02 AM  

  • Hey, dude. I'm sitting in your house, writing on your computer RIGHT NOW!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 AM  

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