amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


i'm gonna make you mine under the disco lights

so i'm in victoria for a month starting today for work. my trip down was really good - not only does driving ensure that i can pack both my gigantor bags (and stuff them OVER 21kg each), but i can pack some extra kleenex, paper towel, and laundry soap! wut wuuut. i'm so good at subletting now, that i have brought a kit of necessities with me. because there is nothing more annoying than moving somewhere for 4 weeks and having to buy 89kg of tide.

another bonus to not flying is that i got to drive and see the sights along the way. wellll, half the sights. i left a little later yesterday afternoon than planned, so half of my drive saturday was in pitch black. literally. if i didn't know i was driving into the mountains, you could have told me i was inside of a cow and i wouldn't know the difference. i thankfully didn't run into any moose, but did see quite a few deer, which decided to remain on the side of the road (how very considerate of them). i had to overnight in a little town called 'hope', and stayed at a roadside motel called 'the swiss chalets'. and yes, they do look like how you'd expect a roadside motel called 'the swiss chalet's to look. and no, i didn't get any free chicken. i wish.

the night was short, as i wanted to get an early ferry to the island. i had to bang on the door of the front office to return the key to the motel owners in the morning, when i heard the seven words every canadian dreads the most: "there is no tim hortons in town"

thankfully chiliwack was only 1/2 an hour away, and i grabbed my coffee/breakfast and scooted through vancouver (with a scenic stop at YVR due to a missed turn) and on to the noon o'clock ferry. then, victoria! which is lush, green, and beautiful. is there a better place to be in may than on vancouver island? i don't think so.

and it turns out that the accommodations i stumbled upon last minute (me three weeks ago: "shit! i have no where to stay in victoria when i go three weeks....for a month) are amazing. i'm in the cutest neighbourhood. so cute, that i want to drop everything, get married, have 2.3 kids, 4.5 dogs, 1/2 a picket fence, and 45 hand glazed bowls. it is going to be seriously difficult for me to leave here when it's time to go. i'm thinking that now, and it's only day one. but really. it's exactly what i want to live in when i start my 'real life' - the decor is awesome, the neighbourhood is to die for...and apparently there are two boys living right under me. it's perfect!

my camera's memory card is full (anyone know where i can get a cheap 1GB flash drive?) so i took one quick photo with the laptop....more to come....but this is my desk where i'm sitting right now, looking on to a beautiful backyard garden (apparently full of lettuce up for grabs) - the window is open, fresh air is blowing in - and i couldn't be happier. (fresh flowers! amazing!)

*note the wine glass 'o diet's first class all the way with me - just how i roll.


  • Yarg, I want to be in Victoria like now. With 4.5 dogs.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:28 PM  

  • Interesting that I know of 4.5 dogs you can have!! For free!! For ever!!

    I am so jealous of you being in Victoria. I wish I was there too.

    By Blogger Bronwyn, at 9:39 AM  

  • I love your flowers.

    By Blogger arimich, at 7:18 PM  

  • Everyone should be here. With 4.5 dogs.

    (And Amanda -- give us a call and we'll go to the museum.)

    By Blogger Queen of West Procrastination, at 8:04 PM  

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