well, canada day in ottawa is an experience everyone should have at least once. i have been lucky enough to go the past two years now, and there is nothing more fun than being squished in a human traffic jam in 30 degree weather, with drunks, stoners, grumps, and stinkers. really though, canada day is awesome. this is a picture i took of the peace tower as the sun was setting during the concert on the hill last night. it's kinda blurry, but i think that makes it artsy.
okay, this is going to be a long winded post, because i have a lot to say. so brace yourself. and might i add, this saturday is a sloan day. i'm having a private sloan listening party. and i don't feel the need to explain what a sloan day is. if you're a sloan fan, you'll know.
now on to yesterday. so many funny things happened. mostly, i began to note that listening to other people's conversations is often quite amusing. i must say my favorite overheard conversation yesterday was between a boy and girl behind me at a crosswalk, while waiting for the light to change. they were standing eating some mcdonalds, and the conversation was as follows:
boy: dang it, i'm losing lettuce out of my chicken sandwich.
girl: that sucks. lettuce is very important.
boy: it is. it gives the sandwich the crunch it deserves.
i want to make friends with these people, and discuss the importance of many vegetables. because i do think lettuce is important, although i might argue pickles may be more so.
and interesting conversation number two occurred while sitting out a rainstorm at a pub in the afternoon. a friend of a friend is a speech writer for elections canada, and was commenting on napoleon dynamite, and how all these kids wear 'vote for pedro' shirts and none of the kids really vote. this is a perception of the 'vote for pedro' movement i had never actually thought about. maybe if you want kids to vote in real elections, paul martin needs to make him some 'vote for paul' shirts...oh, and you know, and a totally hilarious movie that will make his platform appealing.
and another note along the politics line...in that same pub, that same friend of a friend pointed out that stephen harper's advisor was sitting a mere 8 feet away at a nearby table. i was so tempted to walk over and say, 'advise him to stop being a dick head'. i refrained myself however....it was canada day, and we should all hug and get along.
and the bestest part of my canada day? the party on the hill. a three hour concert featuring acts from all over canada, most of whom i didn't know, but all of which i enjoyed. sigh, i even found kalan porter enjoyable. damn, that boy can fiddle himself a good fiddle. other acts i enjoyed?
jeremy fisher,
kathleen edwards,
eagle and hawk,
corneille *dude is totally hot, with a smile that could power an entire city* and of course, my boyfriend,
sam roberts. standing on parliament hill watching him play 'the canadian dream' was awesome. s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m is the only way.