amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


we are north american scum

this past week i have been working with the best doctor ever. he's hilarious. let's share some examples.

upon examining the arm of a patient with a first name for a last name: "well, in case you ever forget which is which....just refer to their tattoo!"

on describing genitalia: "you know, for some reason we always refer to women as some type of fruit...and men as sports equipment"

on the mental status of a patient emerging from a coma: "i'm not shooting for new york times crossword here. i'm hoping for find-a word"

it was pretty much the funniest week ever. i suppose you may have had to have been there...but whatevs.

i've rented a car again this weekend, and am cruising around in a new camry hybrid. which is not only stylish, but good for the environment. which is more than i can say for myself, being neither stylish or good for the environment.

one week left here in my hell that is having no internet. the good news about this week? the last episodes of both the hills and the pussycats search for the next doll. the bad news about having no internet? i watch shows like the hills and the pussycats search for the next doll (ps - i hated melissa s...glad she's gone. i'm just crossing my fingers asia doesn't win)

anyhoo. 'north american scum' by lcd soundsystem is a hilarious song.

since i'm paying another 7.50/hr for this little session, i'm going to go and use it to do something productive. like surf and look at cars.

one week and i'll be in ottawa!


like the deserts miss the rain

i'm in the land of no internet.

well, i have internet access at work - but i do draw the line at blogging at work. cruising facebook for hours is fair game though.

i am currently paying 7.50/hr at starbucks to tell you this.

as is most likely evident, i won't be blogging much for the next two weeks.

after that, i'll hopefully have a nice juicy post for you about my escapades in nyc and ottawa (which may or may not include karaoke, hobos, rice pudding, subways, boats, airplanes, wedgies and inappropriate amounts of credit card usage).
