amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy



life is busy right now, so blogging isn't high on the priority list. work is going well, i'm starting to find the groove. i think this summer is going to bring great opportunities for new experiences and will give me a great perspective on hospital pharmacy. i am in an environment that is leading innovations in pharmacy practice, and i can take alot away from what i am observing.

anyways, there is a hot landscaper accross the street. coming home one day when i first observed him, i told my dad to hire them to do our steps. turns out today i find out my dad did hire them to work on our i'll be making lots of lemonade come mid-june. mmm....and sitting on my step and watching the hot landscaper. mmm. i love a man who works with his hands. and happens to be extremely good looking.

got to run and set the table. exciting weekend to come. i'll update as soon as i can.



i want to nap, but i can't because i can't fall asleep, and there is nothing good on tv.

i hate it when people take words that should start with 'c' and use 'k' instead. you know, like krafts, krazy, or kampground. do people think they're amusing or 'klever' by doing this? it makes your business look like a sham. i think that to illustrate my point in the real world, i'm going to create several businesses which ironically use the letter re-arrangement. like 'krafts for cids' instead of 'crafts for kids'. or a restaurant 'amanda's kountry citchen' instead of 'amanda's country kitchen'. although none of my businessess will actually survive the real world, i'll make my point in the 15 minutes they're out there.

g2g. more later. watch sheer dallas.


bea arthur, a bald eagle, and pokiness

so i'm finally in ottawa. back for another four months of work and play. hopefully mostly play. the trip out was loooong but a good way to finally de-stress after actually living through the past three weeks of my life. never have i been so stressed, and never has my brain contained so much information.

not too many highlights from the road. however, i did see a woman who looked like a short bea arthur. poor woman. and the only exciting wildlife on the journey (besides the bea arthur look-alike) was a bald eagle eating some dead animal on the side of the road. that's one up from the crazy wild turkey i saw last year. crazy wild turkeys.

so i had to go to the hospital i'll be working at this morning to get some bloodwork done, and have a tb skin test. needles suck. however, while waiting in line at the lab, i witnessed something that made me laugh. the waiting room for the lab was set up as a kind of horse-shoe, with desks all around the side. this guy comes up to the one desk where there is a woman sitting, and she points him accross to this other desk and says 'just ring the bell over there'. so, the man walks six feet accross the room and rings the bell. then, this same lady gets up from her desk, walks around the back of the office and shows up at the other desk to help the man. i almost peed. i mean, things like this happen on snl, not in real life. ooohhh, the farce that is my everyday life.

i miss you, pseudo grampa.


friggin' idiot

hey ky,

next time you think about posting my last name on the internet....uh....don't. retard.

i'm in ottawa. i'll blog later.