amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


sometimes we remember bedrooms

okay, so i am on severe arcade fire rationing as of right now. i have to restrain myself from listening to them for fear i will become obsessed (i guess more so than i am right now) and do something irrational. like get the lyrics to 'laika' tatooed on my ass. that would be bad.

but seriously, i can safely say the show last night was one of the best shows i have ever been to. and i have been to alot of shows. the energy output from the band and the crowd was amazing. and they're all totally down to earth, wandering around the venue during the opening acts, standing in the crowd and rockin' out. okay, i can't speak of it anymore because i'm getting all worked up again. here are some more pics.

look! it's win crowd surfing. with his guitar and all. and because he's so strangely attractive, here are some more random pics for your pleasure.

it's a group shot! the stage had all these vintage lamps and flags on it. the lamps would flash and dim and stuff along with the light show, which was wicked awesome. vintage is the new new.

it's another group shot! i think i took like fifty pictures. i could post group shots for days.

okay, and here's the obligatory 'amanda you met the band' picture for ky. i think it's worth noting that i made a chump of myself while i was talking to him. and technically, i didn't actually meet the whole band, just richard *aka yelly guy* who is really tall, has straight teeth and seems to be a bigger nerd than me. he was leaning over the merchandise table after i took this picture and his blue jockeys were sticking out. it was totally dorky and adorable at the same time.

i have to go study and try and get my mind of the awesomeness of last night.


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