amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


back to procrastination

well, this is my first weekend in awhile where i should actually be studying on a friday night. i use the word 'should' because i'm really just sitting at my desk with my notes, some paper and a few highlighters surrounding me. i'm in the 'precontemplation' stage of studying. i'm seriously thinking about doing it, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. i'm not too sure why i keep testing my theory that i can't study at home - it's obvious by now that i can't. if i was on an episode of mythbusters, i'd have had some huge 'busted' sign stapled to my forehead ages ago.

and to drive home the actual extent to which i don't want to study, i'll share the fact that my roommate and i had taco salad for supper. why? because i really have nothing of importance to say, but i don't want to stop typing for fear of actually having to read my notes.

okay, i'm going to update my top five song list. check out these artists - listening to their music is better than getting punched in the kidney.


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