amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


cocktails and dreams

the cocktail party last night was a success. i stayed up until 4:30 am playing trivial pursuit 90's edition. or should i say winning trivial pursuit 90's edition. my contribution to my team was key, with the 'captain underpants' answer being the cornerstone of our win. i am a fountain of useless information, and finally i can put it to good use.

i was ordered to be the dj for the shindig last night, and threw together a few playlists yesterday afternoon. i have discovered a new love for m.i.a., this chick hip-hop artist from the uk. she has this song called galang, that makes my body dance when i hear it. unvoluntarily. it's just so dang catchy. check her out.

and speaking of music, i found this website that lists all the songs from every oc episode. if you watch the oc, you know what a treasure this website is, because the oc has, like, the best music ever. and if you don't watch the oc, don't worry. i won't judge you for not being cool enough.

and one week until the arcade fire. i am so excited, that i almost pee in my pants a little every time i think about it. one week from this very second i'll most likely be running around my apartment, blasting funeral and screaming.


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