amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


like deja vu all over again

hey team.

sorry for my lack of updates. but i've been doing things...and not feeling like posting was one of them. but alas, i'm sitting here on my bed, typing out a post that is sure to be more than fantastic. har har. not so much.

anyways, my life has been chaotic lately, just like britney and kevin. i have left home for a month, first stopping in the skatch for a wedding and some fam time, and now i'm in the big metropolis of vancouver, living the high life. and by high life, i mean pretty much going to school for a month. which isn't all bad, since i'm hanging out with other residents, living right downtown in a sweet studio apartment, and two blocks away from the best shopping in the city. so can i complain? not so much.

but today further solidified my hatred for public transportation. i have ranted on this topic in the past, but today's experience totally made me hit my limit. what's not fun? riding on a bus with a totally cracked out drug addict!! how do i know? i just did it!!
not only did i have to watch this lady be all crazy, but then some other crazy guy outside of the bus stuck his tongue out at me as we were driving by, as he pretended to throw whatever was in his hand at the bus. what a bunch of whack-jobs. i miss ottawa, where the only crazies were the french.

alas, the one good part of van is the hotties. it's like all the best looking boys in canada migrate here for the city's temperate climate and abundancy of starbucks. and the fact that it's warm and sunny ain't half bad either. i think it's time i take a walk down to the beach. perhaps tomorrow. i have many fun activities planned for the upcoming weeks - scooter rental in stanley park? heck yes.


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