amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


the price is right?

okay, let's play a little game i like to call "no wonder amanda has no money"

i'm thinking it may be due to a little problem i have called "i buy too many shoes"

i've never taken the time to sit down and guess at the approximate retail value* of all my footwear. but, since i've recently moved, i've decided to give it a gander.

let's add a few pictures just so i can get my point accross...

here are my babies all set to be unpacked. that's one of those large sized rubbermade totes, which also seem to hold the equivalent of three midgets packed tightly.

now, i'm going to run through two of the hightlights of my collection. these, my pretty lacoste runners which i acquired in montreal back in march. bought (on sale...dont' be a hater) from a french gentleman. a french gentleman who introduced himself to me and then very subtley noted how he's single. i played nice until i had the shoes in hand, then ran.

these are the most expensive pair in the collection. bought one short month ago for grad, they served their purpose well, and will enjoy their new home...and will make many memories in the future.

here they are unpacked, all nestled in for a year of adventures.

and there they are again...thank goodness for a large surface area at the bottom of my closet - no crowding!

so, have you all had a chance to imagine what i've spent over the past few years on footwear? well, let's just say it's in the ballpark of $2200...or the GDP of a small country.

but i tend to look at it like an investment. after all, some people collect bottle caps (bert from sesame street) some collect movies (i'm looking at you lynnie c) and some collect garden knomes (i'm looking at you landlady).

that is all.

*value does not include shoes (which i love, but) still reside at my parents house.


  • I'm so gonna tally up how much I've spent on movies and that'll make you feel better about your shoe purchases.
    Also, you have the coolest show collection of anyone I know, so that's got to be worth something too.

    By Blogger LynnieC, at 11:30 AM  

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