amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy



well, i'm actually in bc now, in the city where i'll be spending the next year of my, working, and hopefully meeting some incredibly handsome man to sweep me off my feet.

the drive out was pretty good - although i'm sure with all the driving across our great country that i've done in the past four years, i'm now more than qualified to put out my vary own coffee table book called 'bathrooms of canada'. (which will be said to the same effect of 'pigs in space' from the muppets)

i even got a chance to stop for lunch and meet up with one of my university friends who is back home for the summer. we had planned to meet up at this greek restaurant, in her town which turned out to be closed. before we knew this however, dad and i walked in to the open door, and were greeted by a man who explained they were only open for dinner - and then went on to reccomend other restaurants in the area. my friend (who was meeting us there) showed up after the man had left, and we decided to head to BP's for some lunch time goodness. after being seated at BP's, who should walk in but the guy who was telling us about all the other restaurants from like ten minutes before! we saw him, he saw us, then gave us this super cute smile and waved. it was awesome.

anyways, in town here i'm staying temporarily with some family friends, which is nice. they had their neighbours over tonight for some coffee and cake, and they are the cutest old retired couple. the husband used to keep bees (as a hobby) and went on four a good hour about beekeeping, which was both entertaining AND educational. it even got emotional when he was talking about how when the bees get older, and their wings get destroyed from landing on flowers...which all culminated when he paused dramatically and said, "and one day...that bee just won't make it home". i actually felt sad for those poor bees.

tomorrow will be a day of finding me a place to live - let's all visualize something beautiful, clean, furnished, complete with cabana boy and personal hairstylist/makeup artist for $15 and four high-fives a month.


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