lars hammond anyone?
well, if this isn't life imitating art, i'm not too sure what that phrase really means.
i'm going to metric tonight.
i'm excited, but right now my tummy is full of chocolate. so i'm more sleepy.
i long for the good old days. and a vodka special.
i'm going to metric tonight.
i'm excited, but right now my tummy is full of chocolate. so i'm more sleepy.
i long for the good old days. and a vodka special.
how was the metric show? i went on friday and it was excellent. emily is so cool. she crowd surfed. in a mini skirt. freaky.
Shannon, at 8:59 PM
metric was grood. i think we left early. the odeon gets gross when too many people are in it, and starts to smell of hot garbage.
justanothergirl, at 10:32 PM
Did you see that the girls at Go Fug Yourself had the exact same response as you, to John Corbett?
Queen of West Procrastination, at 1:30 PM
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