amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


i heart the cbc

so, for as much crap as i gave my parents for making me listen to the cbc since i came into this world, the dang corporation has given me some things that i love. they were the first ones to air kenny vs spenny, which is now off the chain, fo' shizzle. and dnto is for the most part, the least sucky thing on radio one. and, radio three has a wicked podcast which makes me love canadian music.

and after work today i saw for the first time what is sure to be my new favourite seven minute show. the morgan waters show. i think it's because basically this guy is me, but in male form with a cooler haircut. plus, he interviewed ben mulroney and looked like he was pissing him off. especially when he asked if anyone was ever going to 'inward sing' on canadian idol, and continued to sing a horrible note while inhaling a deep breath. then ben said no, because it's hard to mic people inside their mouths.


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