amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


why won't you come over here

just got off the phone with my new boss, and he sounds fun like a barrel of monkeys. i'm a lucky girl, to have worked with great people in the past, and it sounds like this next year is falling together perfectly. i mean, i can't complain when they're offering to send me to atlanta for a conference - at their expense. i'm getting super stoked about this residency, even though i'll be alllllllll byyyyy myyyyy seeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllf *bridget jones style*.

today was pretty much the laziest day at work ever. the pharmacist i was working with didn't want to work, so by default, i didn't really have to work. in fact, nobody really worked today. we all had a huge coffee break, a long lunch, and then i spent the afternoon basically chatting with my preceptor. it was good. and a great start to my weekend of laziness. i plan on not doing much - maybe i'll clean my room if the spirit moves me. but who am i kidding.

oh, and i almost forgot. old people are funny. at my hospital, there are clinics for people who are in early kidney failure where they come and learn about what they should eat, what meds they should take, and lots of other things to help slow their kidneys from getting worse. anyhoo, today there was the funniest man who kept flirting with this one woman. he was too funny - and basically said all her problems were from 'boozing it up too much'. then, this other lady was asking the pharmacist a question, and was disgruntled with the answer and muttered, 'i don't need calcium, i need a good strong shot of liquor'. ooh, i'm so going to be a crazy alcoholic like these people when i get old. yessssssss.

well, it's time for me to get out of my work clothes and find something productive to do with myself. and by that, i mean friends is on tbs now so i should go watch. huzzah, a weekend of no-th-in-g.


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