amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


working for the church while your life falls apart

today's the day!

well, actually yesterday was the day. (but i'm not bitter.)

anyways, my copy of neon bible seems to have eventually made its way into my hot little hands, and i couldn't be happier.

spring is in the air, and i have a new arcade fire album to obsess over. i'm pretty sure that win butler could record himself shitting into a shoebox, call it his second album and all of us indie loving kids would still gobble it up. however, it seems that the second effort from my (newly crowned) favourite band of all time is a strong effort. and even though i don't generally give a flying rats hoo-hoo what p4k has to say, they gave the disc a solid 8.4.

in other news, i love the arcade fire.

wait - that's not news! but i do.


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