amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


our bodies get bigger, but our hearts get torn up

i'm sitting around on a sunday afternoon, trying to get myself in the mood to work. i'm feeling swamped with assignments, patients, upcoming assignments, project work, and my general lack of a social life.

one thing that is making today better is npr's bootleg of the arcade fire's last show at judson memorial church in new york city. which just so happened to be last night.

but of course, with it being a bootleg - the sound quality isn't that great, and you're treated to the hoots and hollers from the audience...but this is a great way to whet my appetite for march, when the new album *finally* drops.

in addition to trying to get to work, i'm also trying to stop eating the chocolate gingerbread brownies that i made yesterday. i took a whole bunch of them over to a friend's for dinner last night, but left a few here at home. which was a mistake, since a girl really shouldn't live on chocolate gingerbread brownies alone. and turns out that today, they've been both breakfast and lunch. maybe i should take a multivitamin.


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