amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


the decay of a former stone heart

do you know what i love about winter? when it rains during the day, then freezes at night. driving on sheets of ice is my favourite. okay, maybe i'm lying. i really hate freezing rain, on account of i don't want to fall and break my face. i really like to use my face unbroken.

for once i had a productive weekend. not homework-wise so much, but housework-wise. i did a big cleaning. i sucked up spider remains in the vacuum (can you believe i killed FOUR in 24 hours?), dusted and even *gasp* started to organize the piles of crap on my desk. i am totally my mothers daughter - i make piles everywhere. thanks to my cleaning streak, there are no longer piles on my floor however. i am now 75% pile-free.

i'm sucking on a jones soda co. carbonated candy right now. and you're right, it's not that good. but what can you expect from something flavoured 'fufu berry'? it was an impulse buy. dang london drugs and their carefully placed candies right by the till! but still - no matter where they were placed, i shouldn't have been stupid enough to buy something called 'fufu berry'. serves me right.

so there's a long weekend coming up. i would give my left leg to be going away and doing something fun. too bad to fly anywhere it's like a million dollars. i wish i had a million dollars, cause then i'd use it to fly back home. i can't even drive anywhere on account of anything of importance is 8 hours away. screw northern bc. no wonder everybody in the lower mainland acts like moving outside of the lm equals most certain death. it's like a cultural black hole up here. less than a month now until i head to california...which is the only thing that allows me to get out of bed in the morning. that, and the new matt mays comes out tuesday.

well, back to studying up for tomorrow.

but what i really mean is, plastic bag! plastic bag! plastic bag!


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