amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


near death

this morning as i was watching the view, my fish - j.lo - had a near death experience. roommate 'm' as we shall call him was eating cereal at the table, where j.lo's fishbowl sits. he was opening his new bag of weight watchers almond crunch, when 'bang!' it expolded all over the table.

i looked up from my position on the couch to see 'm' covered in cereal, the table covered in cereal, and a look of shock on his face. expletives came flying faster than the speed of sound. and then, the worst part happened. 'there's even cereal in the fish bowl!' he cried. i started laughing - i mean, out of all the cereal boxes in all the world, what are the odds that yours will explode? well, pretty good if you rip at it like 'm' does. anyways, poor j.lo was swimming around in a sea of raisins and flakes, while 'm' is running around yelling 'what do i do!? what do i do!?'. so, being the good roommate that i am, i prompt him to start scooping the cereal out of the bowl with a spoon. 'the fish is eating the rice crispies' he said to me. then, he looked in the bowl and said, 'those are my favorite too!'

j.lo ended up surviving, as her fish mommy came to the rescue. she now has some lovely clean water, and a story to tell all the other fishies at the watercooler tomorrow. that is if there were other fishies....and a watercooler...


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