amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


pill dickle

okay, so the dorritos dill pickle chips - although the sound of it seems sketchy, are very good. oddly enough, they look just like their cool ranch counterparts. only with green specks instead of blue. which leads me to ask - what is it about the colour blue makes it an okay colour to put on a cool ranch flavoured chip? now green specks i understand - pickles, if made properly, are green. maybe it's the 'cool' in the ranch. i sometimes may associate cool with blue. mostly however i associate it with brandon flowers.

okay, so brandon flowers - the killers were on snl last night, and i managed to see the end of 'somebody told me'. it seems to me that i want to hunt brandon down and spawn 50,000 of his love children. good god, the mormons sure do churn out the lookers. i really need to get hot fuss. like now. maybe as something original i'll put out my own album and call it fussing hot. that'd be my favorite.

and finally something completely different. a man with three buttox. well, not really. but i figured three paragraphs were better than two. after all, the only thing better than your crispy crunch - is someone else's.


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