amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


too funny

okay, so i was passing time in my usual way of dicking around on the computer, and came accross a website talking about the 25 worst and most annoying newsmakers of 2004. if you wanna read the whole thing, go here. but for a snippet of my favorite one, check this....

talking about lynndie england, the stupid ho from the pictures torturing prisoners in iraq:

"....[she] has got to be the biggest fucktard in her entire home state of west virginia. and that's saying a lot. perhaps the sloping forehead, narrow eyes and too-dyky-even-for-the-army appearance should have alerted her superiors that leaving her unchaperoned at the abu gharib prison was one of the biggest mistakes of the war..."

fucktard.loves it.

loves it so much, that i'll ignore the fact that canada made it to #12.


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