amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


shoes made for walkin'

today i got home, and had the best surprise waiting for me. i got mail!

my peacemakers have arrived.

thank you, john fluevog! (and visa! shout out to my paycheque! hey yooooooooooo)

i heart you ananda! (see? almost like my name....hello meant to be!)

oh, and mr. fluevog continues his cutesie/witty repartee on his soles as usual.

sigh. i rememer saving up for my first pair angelic soles like it was yesterday.

i'd link to the wonders (and oddities) that are john fluevog's shoes, however blogger beta seems to hate me. so long linking to things. it was fun while it lasted. *please use your friendly neighbourhood google to checkout the fluevog site...if nothing else, it's good for some "someone would actually wear those!?!?!" entertainment)


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