amanda...throws acorns with surprising accuracy


elephant steps

i think summer is finally falling into place. unfortunately, all these thoughts of b-b-q's, patio lanterns and summer nights are making it really hard to focus on school work. the countdown is on: 22 days.

the concert series for this year's tulip festival has just been announced. and frankly, i'm totally bummed. usually there are two or three stellar acts that i'm eager to see. this year, i'm mildly interested in projet orange (but totally afraid they'll sing in french most of the time) and the tea party, but fairly excited for boy and hawksley workman. last year hawskley put on a kick-knickers show stomping around crazily on stage like some weird elephant-boy. i wish they could have drummed up hot hot heat or sam roberts this year...but whatever. did i mention the killers are playing montreal and i want to sell my kidneys to go? back to ottawa. i'm actually pretty stoked for boy - they're my retro-sounding band crush of the year so far. and i love boys who look like they don't shower, and sound like they're from the 60's and british. who am i kidding? i have a crush on every boy.

well, time for bed. long day of classes and "studying" tomorrow. and by that i mean the oc is on tomorrow night. yay! seth cohen!

p.s. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if q and r were eliminated. (funny quote from mitch hedberg. check his stuff out: very jack handy-esque)


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